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Is Tattoo Removal Dangerous

How Does Laser Tattoo Removal Work?

No matter how well thought out you may think a tattoo idea is, there’s no real way of knowing how you may feel about that tattoo in the future. Most of us change a lot throughout the years, and something we loved at 18 may not seem quite as great at 30. Sometimes these past regrets can be fixed by your tattoo artist with a well-done cover-up, but when that won't suffice, laser removal may be an option you want to explore.

What is Laser Tattoo Removal?

Laser tattoo removal relies on a special Q-Switched laser to break down tattoo pigments in your skin, enabling your body to eradicate them entirely. Different lasers are used for different pigments with varying success. Though most tattoos can be fully removed, not all can. This method of tattoo removal has been available since the 1990s and has been a fast-growing industry ever since as more people are getting tattooed than ever before.

How does Laser Tattoo Removal Work?

When getting a tattoo, the tattoo machine deposits ink into the second layer of dermis. Your body sees the ink as a foreign object and sends white blood cells to remove it. However, the ink particles are too large for your body to expel them effectively. This will cause tattoos to slowly fade over time, but never truly disappear. During laser removal, the laser targets the ink, breaking it down into small enough particles for your body to effectively eradicate it for good.

How Much does Laser Tattoo Removal Cost?

The pricing structure behind laser tattoo removal is often ambiguous. At Chronic Ink we strive to make that easier for our customers. Our sessions range in price from $90 per treatment to $380. The price is dictated by the size of the area that we are working on. The number of sessions required to achieve your desired tattoo fading varies from person to person so we encourage you to come in to speak with our technician and book a free consultation.
Does Laser Tattoo Removal Work Laser tattoo removal after two treatments.

How many laser treatments to remove a small tattoo?

Only a technician who specializes in laser tattoo removal can give you a realistic estimate for your particular situation. The number of sessions required to eliminate a tattoo depends on several factors including the size of the tattoo, location on the body, number of colors and pigments used, skin tone, the age of the tattoo, whether the tattoo was done by a professional or amateur, etc. Some tattoos take as little as 3 to 5 sessions, while others take well over 10. It is also usually recommended that you wait 6 to 8 weeks between laser tattoo removal sessions. Therefore, if you have a tattoo that you would like to have removed by a particular date or event, the sooner you can start your treatments, the better!

Can a Selective Part of a Tattoo be Removed?

Perhaps you only want a part of your tattoo removed. Perhaps your tattoo features a name that is no longer relevant or there was just a portion of the tattoo that you weren’t quite happy with. The good news is it is often possible to remove selective parts of a tattoo while leaving the rest intact!

How Much does Laser Tattoo Removal hurt?

Pain is subjective. While some people find tattoos relatively painless, others experience the exact opposite. The same can be said for laser tattoo removal. Some claim the procedure to be a piece of cake while others find it excruciating. Chances are, if you’ve had several tattoos in your life, you’ll be able to tolerate it just fine.

Does Laser Tattoo Removal Leave Scars?

When done right, laser tattoo removal should leave your skin looking fresh and new, with no scars in sight. However, there are some instances where scarring may be evident. The most common scars left behind after laser removal are scars that were already formed from the tattoo itself. If your tattoo didn’t heal properly and caused scarring, that scarring will remain after the tattoo is gone. The other possible cause for scarring is improper care during the removal process. Laser tattoo removal can cause swelling, blisters, or even scabbing. This is all quite normal, and if cared for properly should heal nicely without any scarring left behind. Resist the urge to pick and scabs and blisters and stick to the aftercare regiment your doctor gave you to avoid any unwanted blemishes during the healing process.

Ready to fade your unwanted tattoo?

At Chronic Ink, we specialize in full tattoo removal or working with you to fade your unwanted tattoo in preperation for a coverup with one of our Tattoo Artists. Want to learn more? Contact us today for your FREE consultation.

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