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Septum Piercing

Septum Piercing 101: Your guide to Septum Piercings

What is a septum piercing?

Modern piercing has contemporary greats to thank for the rise in styles, designs, and other piercing applications along with things like tattooing. If you are thinking about getting a septum piercing, it is essential to know what you are getting into beforehand. Your septum is the thin piece of cartilage that runs down the middle of your nasal area and is essentially the part that separates the right and left nostrils. For piercing purposes, the septum also includes the bit of soft tissue right below it, known colloquially as the sweet spot. It anchors the piercing in place, whether a ring or curved barbell. One of the most popular facial piercings in recent times, the septum piercing is unique and striking, with many people jumping on the bandwagon to get one done. Despite this, we should always be sure to research the best artist to do the work. Not only will it look better, but you will have higher quality septum jewelry and a more professional piercing, which will heal better. Septum Piercing

A Word on Deviated Septum

Some people are born with a unique condition known as a deviated septum. This means that the bone and cartilage of the inner nasal cavity are “deviated” in one way or another, which can be anything from being off-center to crooked. This can make breathing difficult as the passageway does not allow air to pass through regularly, making it a difficult condition to live with as an adult. This can introduce other problems like sleep apnea and frequent bouts of nasal congestion. If you know that you have a deviated septum, it is probably in your best interest to stay away from a septum piercing. While it can be done, there is a risk of complications if not done professionally. Talk with your doctor about ways that you can go about getting a septum piercing if you do have this condition so that you can do it safely.

Finding the Right Piercer

If you are looking for somewhere to go, look for testimonials on social media or personal portfolios of the artists that you are considering. Visit the piercing shop they work in. Get a feel for the business, along with a consultation about what to expect during the piercing process. Be sure to ask any questions and make sure that you feel comfortable with the person who is doing your work. Septum

Do septum piercings hurt?

Unlike some other types of facial piercings, you should not expect much in the way of pain when it comes to a septum piercing. This type of nostril piercing usually feels like a sharp pinch, which can make your eyes water and give you the urge to sneeze. In terms of the pain scale, the septum is pretty low on the hierarchy, but be aware of these other factors that can initially be uncomfortable.

How to clean a septum piercing?

Cleaning your piercing should be one of the primary cares after getting one, as the area in which the septum resides is prone to bacterial buildup if not disinfected. Luckily, by keeping clean and monitoring the area, you do not have to worry about infection and other complications. Rinse using warm salt water to disinfect your mouth without using a harsh, alcohol-based mouthwash, and be sure to clean around the pierced area with a cotton swab.

How long do septum piercings take to heal?

Most septum piercings will be fully healed around six to eight months but can take up to a year or longer depending on how well your body is adapting to it. As long as you are keeping up with your aftercare, it would help if you did not have to worry about healing taking too long.

When can I change my septum piercing jewelry?

Once you are fully healed, it should be relatively straightforward to change out your septum jewelry. If you are unsure about how to talk with your artist about your jewelry options and a demonstration of the best way to change it. Pierced Septum

How to take care of a septum piercing

In the long term, taking care of your septum piercing after the healing process is a matter of hygiene and watching for any changes around the piercing area. It would help if you took your jewelry out when cleaning it after it has healed to access more of the pierced area for cleaning. If you think you might have an infection, talk with your personal doctor to get on a round of antibiotics to treat it.

Why does my septum piercing smell?

Certain types of body piercings, like the septum, can have a higher chance of dead skin cells accumulating if you do not clean them enough. This causes a buildup of bacteria that can eventually start to smell a bit foul. It is imperative that you are cleaning the piercing area daily, as this bacteria can eventually cause an infection if left untreated. When you do clean your piercing, be sure to stay away from alcohol-based solutions and other chemicals that can dry out or otherwise irritate the area around your piercing, as this will end up causing more problems than solving them.

Can you hide a septum piercing?

Some people might have told you that septum piercings are more common because they are easier to hide from prospective employers or family members, but this is not necessarily the case. To hide your nose piercing, you will need to twist it to make it unnoticeable, which can irritate the pierced area as well as slow healing time. Not only this, but you can become more susceptible to infection by opening up wounds. If you do have to flip it for any particular reason, be sure to wait a while before moving it again to prevent sudden tears.

Ready to Explore a Septum Piercing?

At Chronic Ink Tattoo, our talented piercers are ready to help you explore any ear piercing, facial piercing, or body piercing. Stop by one of our studios today.

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Piercing Studio Locations

Downtown Toronto

378 Yonge Street, 2nd Floor, Toronto, Ontario M5B 1S6 Directions

Midtown Toronto

252 Eglinton Ave East, 2nd Floor, Toronto, Ontario M4P 1K2 Directions


7381 Kennedy Road, Unit #105, Markham, Ontario L3R 5B5 Directions


100 City Centre Dr., Unit #2-311, Mississauga, Ontario L5N 2C9 Directions


1804 W 4th Ave, Vancouver, British Columbia V6J 1M3 Directions

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