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Chronic Ink - Edward Truong - Fujin and Snake Tattoo Design

Unveiling the Enchanting World of Fujin Tattoos

Fujin tattoos, rooted in ancient Japanese mythology, have gained popularity as captivating body art designs worldwide. These striking tattoos showcase the mythical Japanese god of wind, Fujin, and embody his majestic power and dynamic energy. In this comprehensive guide, we delve into the mesmerizing realm of Fujin tattoos, exploring their symbolism, history, and design elements.

Chronic Ink - Edward Truong - Fujin and Dragon Tattoo Design

Who is Fujin?

If you’re a fan of Japanese art or tattoos, chances are you’ve encountered an image of Fujin before. Fujin has been a popular subject for Japanese tattoos for as long as we can remember. But just who is this deity proudly depicted in back or arm pieces throughout the world? Fujin is the Japanese god of wind. He is often depicted as an oni, which is a demon-like figure. In Japanese mythology, there is no definitive line between good and evil deities, with gods often possessing both good and evil qualities and being just as prone to mischief as wonder. Fujin is often shown with glowing green or blue skin and disheveled hair. He is usually dressed in leopard skin and carries either a bag of wind or an enchanted tapestry which he uses to control air currents.

Fujin is often seen alongside his brother Raijin. Raijin is the Japanese god of thunder, who is often seen holding hammers surrounded by drums, which are used to summon the thunder. Raijin has three fingers on each hand versus Fujin’s four. Raijin’s three fingers represent past, present, and future, while Fujin’s fingers represent the four directions of the wind: north, south, east, and west.

These gods are considered especially powerful in Japan, where great storms have the ability to wreak havoc on the small island nation. It is said that Fujin and Raijin are rivals, and when a disagreement forms between them this causes the sky to darken and the storms to come as they unleash their wrath upon each other.

Where does the Myth of Fujin Originate?

Fujin tattoos draw inspiration from Japanese folklore and mythology. The concept of Fujin as the god of wind emerged during the Heian period (794-1185) and became further popularized in the Edo period (1603-1868). During these times, Fujin's depiction evolved, taking on characteristics such as a fierce expression, muscular physique, and a distinct aesthetic appeal that continues to captivate tattoo enthusiasts today.

The origins of Fujin can actually be traced all the way back to Greek mythology. During the Hellenistic period when Greece occupied many parts of India and Central Asia, the Greek god Boreas who was the god of the cold north wind and the bringer of winter was adopted in the region and became the god Wardo in Greco-Buddhist art. From there, Wardo became a wind deity in China before being renamed Fujin and adopted by the Japanese.

Through he went by different names while gracing different cultures, many characteristics of his appearance remained the same, including his disheveled appearance and symbolic wind bag. Now, most former variations of Fujin are largely forgotten while the Japanese god continues to appear in countless art and throughout temples in Japan to this day.

What is the Meaning of a Fujin Tattoo?

Fujin tattoos hold profound symbolism, representing the deity of wind in Japanese mythology. With roots tracing back to ancient times, these tattoos symbolize the power and energy of wind, often associated with change, transformation, and natural forces. Fujin, depicted as a muscular figure wielding a large bag of wind and surrounded by storm clouds, embodies the uncontrollable yet essential aspect of wind in nature.

How to Choose an Artist when Contemplating a Fujin Tattoo

If you’re considering a tattoo of this powerful Japanese god, it's important to pick an artist who is up to the task. Traditional Japanese style tattoo art is most often done in large format pieces that require excellent attention to detail and precision. Many tattoo artists devote their careers to Japanese style art, and we feel like this dedication can usually be seen and felt in their work. It's always a good idea to seek out an artist with experience in a particular style when planning a large piece.


Fujin tattoos offer an enchanting blend of mythology, symbolism, and artistic expression. As you embark on your journey to acquire a Fujin tattoo, understanding their symbolism, exploring various design options, and selecting a reputable studio like Chronic Ink Tattoo will ensure a memorable and exceptional tattooing experience. Embrace the power of Fujin and let your skin become a canvas for this captivating deity of wind.

Ready to get your new tattoo?

At Chronic Ink, we have some of the best tattoo artists in Toronto & Vancouver focusing on Asian Tattoo Design. We welcome walk-ins for consultations at our Downtown Toronto, Midtown Toronto, Markham and Newmarket locations. No appointment necessary or contact us and let us know your idea today.

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