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Scarring After Laser Tattoo Removal

What to Do with Scarring After Laser Tattoo Removal

Many people worry about the aftermath of laser tattoo removal. Even though the ink will fade away, will the area turn into scar tissue instead? Certainly, that's a fair and important question to ask before rushing into it. Committing to the removal process and fitting it into your budget is an undertaking that must be embarked on thoughtfully. Many people who are fearful of scarring opt for tattoo removal cream, which isn’t guaranteed to work and may have adverse effects on your skin. Luckily, we’ve got good news for you: laser tattoo removal isn’t likely to result in an unsightly scar. If you choose to remove the tattoo with laser treatments, leave it in the hands of qualified and experienced professionals. Choosing the right people will minimize any chance of scarring. However, you do have some personal responsibility when it comes to scar prevention. Meticulously following the aftercare protocol minimizes your chances of scarring and infection. The healing process is a vulnerable time for your skin, and you must handle it with care. Before your first session, it's helpful to know what to expect following laser treatments and to understand the factors that influence the likelihood of scarring.

Do You Get Scars After Laser Tattoo Removal?

Many people assume that laser tattoo removal is guaranteed to leave some scars behind. Fortunately, this is a widespread misconception. When it's done correctly by dedicated specialists like our Chronic Ink team, you shouldn't experience any scarring at all with your laser tattoo removal in Toronto. We won't say that laser treatments never leave any scars. The possibility always exists. But most of the time, scars that you notice after a treatment session are the result of the original tattoo, and not from the removal process itself. Tattooing is an invasive process that damages the skin. With the use of a needle and dye, a permanent image is created. Some tattoo artists are more experienced than others, and when a tattoo is placed too deeply, it'll likely leave some scarring. If you didn't notice them before, removal sessions will bring previous scarring to the forefront. If a skilled professional placed your tattoo and you followed aftercare instructions, laser tattoo removal usually leaves nothing behind except a distant memory. Scarring is more likely to occur if you don't follow your aftercare instructions, which entails keeping the area clean, clear, and covered. It's more common to develop scars on an area that's gotten infected. Do note that picking at your skin while it's trying to heal increases the odds of scarring as well. It's in your best interest to avoid touching the area as much as possible. In some cases, tattoo removal causes discoloration in the treated area. This lightening or darkening is usually temporary, though very rarely it is permanent. The most common side-effect you can expect from a removal procedure is a little whitening that we call 'frosting.' It lasts only for a week or so, after which it disappears as the skin heals.
Scarring After Laser Tattoo Removal First Session of Laser Tattoo Removal on a Neck Tattoo

Is Keloid Scarring Reversible After Laser Tattoo Removal?

A keloid scar is a type of scar tissue that sometimes develops well after you sustained an injury. It's often larger than the wound itself, because the cells that are supposed to fix the problem keep building scar tissue even after the wound heals. Keloid scars can be worrying if you don't know what it is, and you might need dermatological help if you see one developing. Not everyone is susceptible to keloid scarring. But, if you've experienced it in the past, you're more likely to develop keloid scarring again with any injury, including laser tattoo removal. However, this shouldn't shy you away from seeking out laser removal. You just need to choose qualified professionals to perform your treatments, which puts you at a much lower risk of any permanent scarring. Fortunately, laser tattoo removal has no long-term effect on keloid scarring. So, if you want to get treatment for any pre-existing keloids, it's still possible to do so. In fact, laser treatments are one of the methods doctors use to help reduce keloid scars. Consult your dermatologist if you have keloid-prone skin. You'll likely receive recommendations and aftercare instructions, which you ought to take seriously. By following the recommended instructions, such as applying antibacterial ointment, you can avoid further risk of developing more keloids.

Is Bleeding After Laser Tattoo Removal Normal?

There are several things you might experience after your laser treatments, including pain, blistering, and discomfort. In some cases, bleeding occurs. However, any bleeding is usually no larger than small pinpricks that clear up in a few days to a week. If your bleeding is more severe or lasts longer, consult a doctor. A little bit of bleeding is relatively common after laser treatments. Keep the area covered to protect it from bacteria or infection, as that's the most common cause of scarring. The bleeding is nothing to worry about as long as you take a few precautions and follow the aftercare instructions. There are a few things you can do if you're worried about bleeding. First, keep the area dry. Don't soak it for at least a week after your treatment. If bleeding or blistering develops, you can pop the blisters, but you also should apply ointment or a silicone gel that will promote healing. Your removal specialist or a dermatologist will have recommendations for the right type of cream to use to have the best effect on healing. Keep the wound clean and dry for a week or more.
Tattoo Fading One Session of Laser Tattoo Removal


Most of the time, our clients don't experience any adverse side effects or scarring after laser tattoo removal. But every client is different, which means that there's no guarantee. You can minimize adverse effects by sticking to the aftercare plan, which your specialist will detail for you. Bleeding and some discomfort are perfectly normal. But if you're getting more than a few pinpricks of bleeding, you should consult with a dermatologist to discuss follow up treatments or possible concerns. Laser treatments are perfectly safe and rarely leave scars. Call us to set up a free consultation so we can discuss your concerns around laser tattoo removal before and after sessions.

Ready To Explore Laser Tattoo Removal For Your Unwanted Tattoo?

At Chronic Ink Tattoo, our certified laser tattoo removal technicians are read to help you explore tattoo fading. If you’re in the Toronto area drop by our shop and check us out for yourself.

Explore Laser Tattoo Removal

Laser Tattoo Removal Studio Locations

Downtown Toronto

378 Yonge Street, 2nd Floor, Toronto, Ontario M5B 1S6 Directions

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